The 1st call for project proposals of the European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus 2014-2020 was launched on the 21st of September 2016 with the deadline of the 20th of December 2016, 16:00 (GMT+2). By this time the applications must have reached the Public Establishment Joint Technical Secretariat (Konstitucijos av. 7, LT-09308, Vilnius).
The strategic goal of the Programme is to strengthen relations, raise capacities and share experience among people and organisations from Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus through implementation of joined actions aimed at increasing the overall quality of life in the border regions.
The 1st call for proposals was open for the project proposals contributing to the following thematic objectives and priorities:
1. Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty:
1.1. Enhancing the access to social and other services for vulnerable groups;
1.2. Stimulating employment through entrepreneurship and innovations.
2. Support to local and regional good governance:
2.1. Increasing capacity of local and regional authorities to tackle common challenges;
2.2. Strengthening society.
3. Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage:
3.1. Promoting and preserving cultural and historical heritage and traditional skills.
Projects shall involve beneficiaries coming from at least one of the participating EU Member States (Latvia or Lithuania) and Belarus. Each organisation must be a legal non-profit entity from the following regions: Latgale and Zemgale regions in Latvia; Panevėžys, Utena, Vilnius, Kaunas and Alytus counties in Lithuania; Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno and Minsk regions and Minsk city in Belarus.
The European Union (EU) funding will constitute 90 % of the total eligible costs of each project selected for funding. 10% of the total eligible costs must be co-financed by the beneficiaries. The EU funding per project can vary from 100 000 EUR to 1 500 000 EUR.